Request A Call Back​

Elevate your event with handcrafted cocktails and luxury service. Secure your date today for an unforgettable bartending experience.

Full Name
Event Date
City & State
Estimated Guest Count
Venue Type
What’s the occasion?
Your Role?
Bartending Start Time
What are we serving?

Will the bar service be outdoor or indoor?
Will you need us to bring a mobile bar?
Are Tip Jar Allowed?
Are there any more details you’d like to share regarding your event?
Thank you for considering us for your event! We will contact you within 48 hours to provide you with our package options that best fit for you.
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VIP Bartending Services DOES NOT provide alcohol at any event. You will be
responsible for providing alcohol at your event. We provide you with our alcohol
purchasing calculator which will give you the quantities we suggest you will need
to purchase each liquor, beer and wine, based on your guest count, as well as an
estimated cost.